So much to think about

Kids are curious. Each Thingk collection gives them 90 unique things to ponder. Try it for free.


Random on purpose

Our first three collections are filled with unrelated Thingks featuring topics from nature and careers to food and toys. Why? Because the more and different things kids think about, the bigger their world gets.


But yes, dinosaurs.

We know kids have their things. Unicorns, sports, dinosaurs. So, for times when they just want to think about that one special thing, we’re adding collections of themed Thingks totally dedicated to one topic at a time.


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How are Thingks made?

We combine things we see with things we feel and things we do. And then, before we add any Thingk into a collection, we check to make sure it’s thingkable.

Thingkable Check List:

  • Is it fun and interesting?

  • Does it offer a new perspective?

  • Will it hold a child’s attention?