It started one night.

“I can’t sleep. I need something to think about.” When our co-founder Allison’s young son couldn’t fall asleep, her husband Cody started giving him one fun thing to think about every night at bedtime.

An idea about ideas

Having something to think about helped their son focus and relax. He liked it so much, he asked for a new thing every night—which is a lot of things. This gave Allison an idea.

“What if it’s an app?”

Allison shared her idea with writer-friend, Shawn. Together, they created Thingk to help other parents give their kids the positive experience of relaxing inside their own heads.

The whole point is to think for yourself.

As moms, we’ve had a lot of hopes for our kids. Health, for sure. Happiness, absolutely. But we also wished for them to be comfortable in their own minds—to be able to soothe and entertain themselves just by thinking. We built Thingk to help other families find and appreciate the quiet wonder that’s inside their heads, too.

Meet the Team

  • Allison Cash


  • Shawn Finger